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Spare parts for Vom Bella Retro

Click here on the correct color of the Vom Bella Retro for which you are looking for parts or accessories. The technical drawings of the Vom Bella Retro give you a clear overview of the various fitting parts and accessories. Of course, the original Vom Bella Retro parts fit the best, but we also offer various good replacement parts.
Vom Bella Retro

Parts by technical drawing for Vom Bella Retro

Above you can see the Retro type colors that we have technical drawings of. First, choose your color and then see the drawing you think you need. If you are looking for parts in this way, you are always guaranteed to have suitable parts and accessories for your Vom Bella Retro. Please pay close attention to the hood parts of this scooter, because these can vary at a minimum at the steering wheel. It may also be the case that unfortunately no handlebar covers can be ordered for this type of scooter. For the maintenance of your Vom Bella Retro, it is very important that you use well-fitting parts, this prevents unnecessary wear and can save you a lot of unnecessary costs.

Parts and colors

This type comes in many different colors. Colors that are familiar to us:

• White

• Light blue

• Smokey

• Anthracite

• Black

However, it is no guarantee that when you order a new hood part of the same color, it will be exactly the same color as the hoods that are on your scooter. The color may sometimes be slightly different.

The Vom Bella Retro scooter

The Retro is equipped with a GY6 engine block, so suitable for refueling Euro 95, the Vom Bella Retro 4-stroke has a classic look. By making a lot of use of chrome parts and a wide handlebars, the retro character of this scooter is emphasized even more! The Vom Bella Retro is widely sold and largely for recreational purposes. It's a really fun “fun” scooter!