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Parts and accessories for Senzo RivaLux S

Click here on the correct version of the Senzo RivaLux S scooter for which you are looking for parts or accessories. The technical drawings of the Senzo RivaLux S give you a clear overview of the various fitting parts and accessories. Of course, the original Senzo RivaLux S parts fit the best.

Senzo RivaLux S

Parts and accessories for the Senzo RivaLux S.

By scrolling and/or zooming in, you can easily get to the right original agm part or accessory. The Senzo RivaLux S via technical drawings. By using original parts, the correct fit is guaranteed.

Colors of the Senzo RivaLux S

  • Pantone blue
  • Dark blue
  • Red
  • Flat matt anthracite
  • orange
  • Black
  • Bronze

It is possible that there are very slight colour differences in color caps, for example due to the influence of sunlight, or age of paint.

Technical Specifications Senzo Riva Lux S.

The Senzo Vespelini S is a lookalike of the Vespa S. Equipped with a four-stroke engine of the type GY-6. This engine is suitable for both Euro 95 and 98. The Senzo RivaLux S is low noise and economical. The scooter is suitable for two people and its handling is very neutral. This Senzo RivaLux S is an affordable alternative, especially due to the powerful 4-stroke engine.

Spare parts for the Senzo RivaLux S

The Senzo RivaLux S parts are easy to find through our technical drawings. By scrolling, then zooming in, then clicking on the photo. By using the parts and accessories on the drawings, you can be sure that the fit is always 100%, and the wear on the scooter is the slightest.

Senzo scooters

In addition to all the parts of the Senzo RivaLux S that you can find on the above technical drawings, we also have various parts for many other types of the Senzo brand that you can find through our technical drawings. Think of:

  • City
  • Trendy Retro
  • Vespelini
  • All types
  • If you can't find your part, feel free to contact our customer service. We are happy to help you!