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Best price guarantee

Would you like Zandri's service but have you found a product cheaper on another website?
Then take advantage of our best price guarantee.


How does the best price guarantee work?

You have found a product on another webshop, it is cheaper there than at Zandri, but you still prefer to order it from Zandri. Send an e-mail to customerservice@zandri.uk containing a link to the product you found on the webshop and a link to the product on the Zandri webshop. We check whether it meets the conditions and respond to your request within 24 hours (excluding weekends). If it meets the conditions, we will let you know by e-mail and you can order the product. After ordering, send us the order number in response to the previously sent approval email. We will then refund the price difference to your account within 3 working days.


The conditions:

-The application must be made by email. This is not possible by telephone, chat or Whatsapp.
-The product must be identical to the product on the Zandri website.
-The delivery time of the product should not exceed 5 working days
-The product is offered by a real webshop. Sales sites such as E-bay are excluded.
-The request must be made before ordering. You cannot use the best price guarantee after the product has been ordered and/or delivered.